Acupuncture: potential cure for common health challenges
The following information presents both research findings and clinical observations from healthcare and medical specialists.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the process of stimulating specific areas on the body by inserting hair-thin needles through the skin to create a change in the body’s physical functions.
According to researchers, acupuncture is well known for reducing inflammation and pain as well as decreasing symptoms after chemotherapy or surgery. It also has a measurable effect on improving how efficiently the body can detox through the liver and kidneys, and for regulating blood pressure as well.
Acupuncture physicians state that acupuncture is helpful in relieving neck, nerve, and shoulder problems, as well as in resolving fatigue, osteoarthritis, back pain, migraines, and many other symptoms as well.
An acupuncturist at the Masaka Hospital, Dr. Zhang Kexin, said every individual or person has over 360 zones on the body that can help regulate all types of organ and gland issues. Furthermore, Dr. Kexin reported that many people have health issues with their joints as a result of the cold weather in the evenings. This health issue is corrected with the use of acupuncture.
Acupuncture works perfectly with other forms of therapy.
A physiotherapist at TCM Technology Clinic in Remera, Kigali, Mr. Celestine Karangwa stated that many patients suffering from cancer also need acupuncture.
He went ahead to say that patients who undergo radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery suffer some side effects, such as many types of digestive issues, but that all of these could be stopped with the use of acupuncture.
Mr. Karangwa also disclosed that the conventional treatment of cancer typically makes the immune system very weak. He advised the physicians integrating within his department that acupuncture can prevent further complications during treatment.
Acupuncture is perfect for women with other health problems.
Dr. Kexin said acupuncture treatment can help women stay young. She explained that it is a perfect and natural treatment for women with wrinkles as it can make the wrinkles disappear by redistributing the collagen in the skin and assisting in other ways.
Furthermore, she stated that wrinkles could take about three or more months to disappear, but there are no side effects or other risks that women would face such as those present when using a surgical option.
A Kigali based physiotherapist, Mr. Jean Bosco Kanimba, adds that acupuncture treatment can improve painful menstrual cramps and PMS in women.
According to him, research has shown that acupuncture treatment can be used to solve infertility as well as various hormone related issues in women.
Early research has also demonstrated the effectiveness of acupuncture on Parkinson’s disease. Studies have shown that it relieves age-related cognitive decline symptoms as it creates neural responses in both the thalamus and putamen regions of the brain, which are among the most affected by Parkinson’s disease.
According to Mr. Karangwa, cupping therapy is often used as part of acupuncture treatment. It is traditionally the process of heating the air inside a small glass cup thereby creating a vacuum within the cup. Cupping and acupuncture treatment might be used at the same time, but this is dependent on the health conditions of the patient.
He further explained that cupping is done by putting the cup on the skin of the patient while a vacuum pulls part of the skin into the cup. The cup may be removed after having brought additional circulation to the area, enhancing the body’s ability to clear inflammation as well as repair surrounding tissue.
Karangwa explained that cupping also stimulates the body’s overall natural energy.
He also pointed out that acupuncture treatment could be used as an alternative in situations like stroke rehabilitation, addictions, headache, tennis elbow, asthma, and fibromyalgia; and, is widely used by athletes in most forms of competitive sports.
If you would like to personally experience some of the many benefits of acupuncture and holistic medicine, reserve some time with us.
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